End User Restore Guide
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Welcome to the SmartBackup End User Restore Guide video series. In these videos, we will show you how easy it is to restore deleted or damaged data, or to revert to an earlier version of your Smartsheet data, using SmartBackup.
This is Part 1 in the series, and it provides an introduction to the series. Here we introduce the various topics addressed and provide a high-level overview of where your backup copies are located in Smartsheet. In this session we also introduce the example sheet that will be used for all the demos.
When your organization installed SmartBackup, they configured the solution to automatically create recurring backup copies of your recently used sheets and dashboards. If everything was configured well, then these backups happen automatically. As a Smartsheet user, when SmartBackup is installed, the only small change you will see is that a new Workspace has been created in your Smartsheet account. This workspace has a special name, which looks like this… This special workspace is used to store the backup copies that SmartBackup creates automatically, and it is referred to as the “vault”.
If you have a situation where a formula was deleted, or overwritten, then you can follow the steps described in this video to restore a deleted formula, or to revert to an earlier version of a formula, using one of the backup copies in your vault workspace.
In this case, you would first locate the most recent backup copy of the Sheet in the SmartBackup Vault, and then locate the Formula you need to restore, then click into the cell so that you can select the formula, and then you would use copy and paste to copy the formula back to the original sheet.
In this video, let’s assume that a user happens to delete a few rows by mistake. If they then click save, then those rows would be gone forever, if you did not have SmartBackup running.
In this video, we will show you how to restore deleted rows. In this case, if a few Rows have been deleted from a Sheet, then you can follow the approach of using the Copy Backup Sheet and Move Rows method.
In this scenario, we will look at what would happen if a user were to come into the sheet and delete the data in a Cell, or perhaps, overwrite the data in a Cell with invalid, or incorrect data.
In this case, if you need to restore only certain cells in a Sheet, then you would locate the most recent backup copy of the Sheet in the SmartBackup Vault, and then select the Cell(s) that you would like to restore and use copy and paste back to the original sheet.
In this video we will look at an example of where a Form has been modified, and you would either like to revert to an earlier version of the Form, or you would like to revert to an earlier version of the text fields, or theme options and Form settings in the Form.
In this case you would locate the most recent backup copy of the Sheet in the SmartBackup Vault, then open the Form that you would like to restore/revert from and then you would be able to use that as a reference to recreate a Form if it was deleted, or you could copy and paste any text fields as needed.
In this video, we will take a look at how to restore or revert to an earlier version of a drop down list, as part of a Drop down type column in a Sheet.
In this case you would locate the most recent backup copy of the Sheet in the SmartBackup Vault, then open the Column Properties for the column with the Drop-Down list that you would like to restore/revert from and then you would be able to use that to copy and paste the options list as needed.
In this video, we will show you what to do, and how to restore a Sheet, if you do not have a backup copy of the sheet in your SmartBackup vault workspace.
In these cases, what you would need to do, is reach out to your IT department and have them restore the sheet or data that you need from an Export backup copy that they will have available on the SmartBackup server.
In this final video in the series, we will show you what options you have and what you can do to restore a deleted sheet, or revert to an earlier version of a sheet.
For this scenario, there are potentially three ways to restore a sheet, and these include, restoring from the deleted items folder, restoring from a backup copy in the vault, or restoring from an Export copy, with the help from your IT department.
You should now have a good idea of how to use SmartBackup and the backup copies in your vault to restore deleted data or revert to an earlier version of your Smartsheet data. However, we are not able to cover all possible scenarios, so if you have any additional questions, first reach out to your SmartBackup Administrator, or your IT Team. Then if you still have questions, feedback, or comments, feel free to contact us at support@acuworkflow.com.