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Welcome to the SmartBackup Guides for Administrators. SmartBackup is the solution for individuals or organizations who want to use the Industry’s leading platform for securing their Smartsheet data. SmartBackup has been designed from the start for gradual adoption, and you can use as little or as much of SmartBackup as you need.
This section provides information for SmartBackup Administrators on the topics of restoring deleted Smartsheet data or reverting to an earlier version of a user's Smartsheet data. In these cases, an Administrator will need to be familiar with the SmartBackup End User guides, so that they can assist end users with restoring their own data using the backup copies in their SmartBackup vault workspace. And as an Administrator, you will also need to be familiar with the processes for restoring sheets and data using the backup copies that are saved outside of Smartsheet using the SmartBackup Export function.
We have included additional Administrator Guides in this section, which are focused on best practices for Smartsheet deployments that have an impact on the configuration of your SmartBackup deployment. The first guide in this section looks at the Smartsheet File Upload Attachments feature.
The SmartBackup Troubleshooting guide is an aid for SmartBackup Administrators that can be used when you encounter issues with SmartBackup. Consult this guide before contacting AcuWorkflow for support.
As a SmartBackup Administrator, the first step will be to review all of the materials and videos provided in the SmartBackup End User Restore Guide section.
Then the next step will be to study the following SmartBackup Detailed Restore Guide. This guide covers both scenarios of restoring using the backup copies in the vault workspaces, and also restoring sheets and data using the backup copies saved externally using the SmartBackup Export function.
For Smartsheet customers, one of the great features available in the platform is the ability to attach an unlimited number of attachments to a sheet. However, if you are using this feature extensively, you should be aware that you will encounter significant challenges in the future if you would also like to back up your data, or eventually move to a different platform.
In this guide, we will be describing several use cases that we have encountered where Smartsheet customers are using the “attach file to sheet” feature extensively. We will discuss the resulting challenges and will propose several alternative solution approaches to consider.